Ready to Ship

Each hammer has been chosen thoughtfully. They've been collected, cleaned, stripped of rust, lightly sanded, and laser-engraved with imagery that, while in contrast to their utilitarian use- honors the noble wood of their handles while also speaking to the resilience and persistence of the natural world. Finally, each has been repeatedly oiled and buffed, a protective final step that enhances the intrinsic character and visible history found in the marks that remain. They're solid, sturdy, and well-made with stable heads and steel wedges firmly in place.
They are not pristine. Though I've cleaned and engraved them, tightened their heads as necessary and sealed them well, I have done nothing to reface or restore them to a like-new condition. You will find each one retains the story of its former life, written in steel scratches, divots and rough or gnawed patches of wood.
Polish the faces if you want ; or don't, and use them for center punching, stamping, disc-cutting, texturing. Hang them on the wall. Leave them on your bench and be reminded that you're the current link in a long chain of souls who chose to swing hammers in the service of building something better, safer, stronger, more beautiful.
A momentary collection of pieces fabricated, by hand, to your specifications. As transient as the muse that inspired them, these designs are offered in finite batches with no assurance of their return.
Please check each listing for current turnaround times and details.